The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: IIoT-Guidance is an expert at guiding your company through the Digital Age and turning high-performance IIoT applications into complete, holistic concepts.
Presales service
IIoT-Guidance analyzes your company’s status quo and clarifies the potential for technological optimization. Based on the results, we work with you to develop targeted concepts and sustainable business models.
Sensor actuators
We’ll show you how you can use the latest sensor technology to record machine status and ambient conditions and make data available for further processing in the network.
Local network
IIoT-Guidance designs powerful network
architectures that are perfectly aligned with your overall system and offer maximum security.
Edge processing
With IIoT-Guidance, you’ll learn how you can generate and analyze valuable data right at the sensor using edge devices. This saves time and money, improves service quality, and lightens the load on the entire system.
We present you with industry-optimized gateways that seamlessly link machines and IIoT applications and transfer information directly to cloud applications or higher-level IT systems. The result is an efficient and perfectly coordinated transfer of process data.
Cloud operation
IIoT-Guidance develops cloud concepts that enable you to seamlessly connect production facilities and machines around the world. We place special emphasis on the issue of security, always taking it one step further than the requirements demand.
Algorithm analysis
Along with our network, we’ll show you how you can use machine learning algorithms to implement relevant information in your process routines and set up new systems for a more efficient future.
User device applications
Thanks to our many years of experience and our partners, we can supply you and your employees with exactly the hardware and software you need to achieve your goals.
After-sales service
Even after a successful implementation, we remain by your side as partners to help you find
production and sales potential during subsequent optimizations of the overall solution.
Connect now
Would you like to take advantage of our expertise, our network, and our autonomy? Then send us an e-mail, phone us, or stop by and speak to us in person. Let’s work together to develop your future!